Laser HAir removal and PCOS

At Bluebird we treat many clients with PCOS!  And for almost everyone, we are able to substantially reduce the amount of body hair they struggle with.  But for our clients with PCOS, laser hair removal works more like a short haircut: it requires maintenance!  Let’s dive into it:

PCOS, or polycystic ovary syndrome, is a term for a group of symptoms that, at their root, are caused by higher-than-typical androgen levels.  It’s widely prevalent, and by some estimates includes about 40% of cis female folks.  To call it ‘abnormal’ is a misnomer; it is for sure normal!  However, it is often regarded as a problem simply because it causes symptoms that many women regard as undesirable.  One of these symptoms is unwanted hair growth.  This hair growth commonly shows up on the chin, upper lip, and front of neck, but can also extend over other body areas too.  

Because of the degree to which western society considers these traits undesirable, for many women this significantly diminished their quality of life.  While there are some other possible solutions, laser hair removal is often the most convenient, direct and effective way to reduce this hair growth.  At Bluebird we understand the nature of this problem and work regularly with clients with PCOS.

This is how it’s done: When a new client comes to us with unwanted hair growth that is driven by PCOS, we will bring her through the usual 6-8 sessions of laser, over approximately a year’s time.  Over the course of these treatments we will be able to substantially reduce the amount of hair on the areas we are treating. This often allows clients who had previously been shaving daily to reduce their shaving to once every 3-4 days, or even once per week.  And it allows clients who had previously relied on tweezing to stop using that method altogether!  Once that initial group of laser hair removal sessions is completed, we then move to maintenance sessions, typically done 4-6 times per year.  The maintenance sessions simply allow us to hold the results we got during the initial sessions.

For many folks, the results we achieve by this method are life changing!  It allows our Toronto laser hair removal clients to reduce the complication of their morning routines, reduce the planning they do around social events, and reduce social anxiety caused by unwanted hair, overall.  For lots of our clients, this expands their lives and increases possibilities all around.  And this fills our hearts with joy!

If you are someone who finds herself with these symptoms, and these are the results you are looking for, we would love to see you. 

We will take care of you!

Djuna Day